(Champaign County and surrounding area)
Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 or TEXT “HOME” to 741741
Support for crises and psychological emergencies
24 hrs/day, 7 days/week, 365 days/yr
Autism Network of CU: 217-621-8429
For parents and professionals
Rosecrance: 217-398-8080
Prevention, intervention and behavioral treatment
- Counseing, therapy, assessments
Illinois Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings: 800-948-8417
- Effective, self-supporting approach to alcohol addiction
- https://alcoholicsanonymous.com/aa-meetings/illinois/
Domestic Violence Shelter & Programs (Courage Connection): 217-384-4390
Shelter, counseling, information, legal & medical advocacy, support to victims of domestic violence
- courageconnection.org
Behavioral Health at Carle: 217-383-3311
Rape Counseling & Services (CU-RACES): 217-384-4444 (24/7 crisis line)
- Free confidential services for sexual assault and harrassment
- Serving Champaign, Douglas, Ford & Piatt counties
- www.cu-races.org/
Family Service: 217-352-0099
- Searchable directory listing of more than 300 support groups in Champaign and surrounding counties.
- https://www.famservcc.org/
Youth Cares Line (SASS): 800-345-9049
Screening, assessment and support services for youth aged 0-20 with Medicaid, Kidcare or no insurance
American Psychological Association (APA) – Crises Hotlines and Resources-
On the web at: https://www.apa.org/topics/crisis-hotlines
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Health Topics
Online resources and information about mental health topics including suicide, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and autism
- www.nimh.nih.gov/index.shtml